The positions for postdoctoral fellows are available to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the precise analysis and computation of neural signals in mammalian brain, as well as the genetics of neurological disorders. Multiple disciplinary approaches will be used to address these fundamental issues, such as electrophysiology by patch-clamp, cellular imaging by two-photon laser scanning microscopy, lentivirus and AAV-mediated gene transfer in specific-type of neurons to knock-down or over-express genes, behavioral tasks and math-physical modeling.
Successful candidates must have Ph.D. training. Experiences in molecular biology, cellular physiology and math modeling are preferred. Competitive salary and fringe benefits will be given to highly motivated and well-qualified individuals.
Applicants interested should submit a letter that includes research experience, career goals and CV, as well as the names and addresses of three referees to Professor Jin-Hui Wang (Phone: 86-10 64888427; Email: jhw@sun5.ibp.ac.cn; Address: State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Institute of Biophysics, CAS, 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China).