We are looking for highly motivated persons to fill several positions at different levels in Dr. Ma’s laboratory at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing). The main research goal of Dr. Ma’s lab is to study embryonic stem cell biology and heart regeneration using human embryonic stem cells.
Research Associate Professor:
Candidate must have a Ph.D. degree with at least two-year post-doc experience in molecular biology/biochemistry, cell biology, cardiovascular biology or reproductive biology, good communication skills, and strong publication track record.
Candidate should have a recent Ph.D. degree in biology or related medical research field. Strong background in molecular biology, cell biology or cardiovascular biology, good communication skills and publication track record.
Salary and benefits are competitive and compensated with experiences. Interested person should send your CV, a brief description of research experiences, name and contact information of three references to yuema(AT)ibp.ac.cnor yayaxu(AT)moon.ibp.ac.cn(please change (AT) to @ to prevent junk mail).