黄亿华 / 博士 研究员 博士生导师
电  话:010-64888789

1990 - 1995 北京大学生命科学学院,获理学学士学位  

1995 - 1998 北京大学生命科学学院,获理学硕士学位

1998 - 2004 美国康奈尔大学医学院生物化学系,获博士学位

2004 - 2010 美国德州大学西南医学中心/霍华德休斯医学研究所,博士后、研究助理和讲师

2011 - 至今 中国科学院生物物理研究所,研究员



1. 膜蛋白的生成与蛋白质的跨膜转运机理


2. 生物膜的生成


1. Yanlong Xin, Yan Zhao, Jiangge Zheng, Haizhen Zhou, XuejunCai Zhang, Changlin Tian(*), and Yihua Huang*.(2017)Structure of YidC from Thermotogamaritima and its implications forYidC-mediated membrane protein insertion . FASEB J. Accepted.

2. Qingshan Luo, Xu Yang, Shan Yu, Huigang Shi, Kun Wang, Le Xiao, Guangyu Zhu, Chuanqi Sun, Tingting Li, Dianfan Li, Xinzheng Zhang, Min Zhou & Yihua Huang*.(2017)Structural basis for lipopolysaccharide extractioby ABC transporter LptB2FG. Nat StructMol Biol. May;24(5):469-74

3. Han L, Zheng J, Wang Y, Yang X, Liu Y, Sun C, Cao B, Zhou H, Ni D, Lou J, Zhao Y, Huang Y*. (2016)Structure of the BAM complex and its implications for biogenesis of outer-membrane proteins. Nat Struct Mol Biol. Mar; 23(3):192-6

4. Yan Wang, Archana AndolePannuri, Dongchun Ni, Haizhen Zhou, Xiou Cao, Xiaomei Lu, Tony Romeo & Yihua Huang. (2016) Structural basis for translocation of a biofilm-supporting exopolysaccharide across the bacterial outer membrane. J. Biol. Chem 291(19):10046-57

5. Ni D, Huang Y*. (2015)The Expression, Purification, and Structure Determination of BamA from E. coli.  Methods Mol Biol. 1329:169-78.

6. Shuai Qiao., Qingshan Luo., Yan Zhao., Xuejun Cai Zhang. & Yihua Huang. (2014) Structural basis for lipopolysaccharide insertion in the bacterial outer membrane. Nature, 511(7507):108–111.

7. Baohua Cao.,Yan Zhao.,Yongjun Kou.,Dongchun Ni.,Xuejun Cai Zhang. & Yihua Huang. (2014) Structure of the nonameric bacterial amyloidsecretionchannel. PNAS, 111(50):E5439-44.

8. Dongchun Ni.,Yan Wang.,Xu Yang., Haizhen Zhou.,Xiaomin Hou.,Baohua Cao.,Zhixin Lu., Xinsheng Zhao., Kun Yang. & Yihua Huang.(2014) Structural and functional analysis of the β-barrel domain of BamA from Escherichia coli. The FASEB Journal, 28(6):2677-85.

9. Huang Y., Smith B.,Chen L.,Baxter R.& Deisenhofer J.(2009) Insights into pilus assembly and secretion from the structure and functional characterization of usher PapC. PNAS, 106(18):7403-7.

10. Huang Y., Baxter R., Smith B.S., Partch C.L., Colbert C.L.& Deisenhofer J.(2006) Crystal structure of cryptochrome 3 from Arabidopsis thaliana and its implication for photolyase activity. PNAS, 103(47):17701-6.

11. Huang Y., Lu M.& Wu H.(2004) Antagonizing XIAP-mediated caspase-3 inhibition: Achilles' heel of cancers? Cancer Cell. 5(1):1-2

12. Huang Y., Rich R., Myszkat D.& Wu H.(2003) Requirement of both the second and third BIR domains for the relief of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP)-mediated caspase inhibition by Smac. J. Biol. Chem. 278(49):49517-22

13. Huang Y., Park Y.C., Rich R.L., Segal D., Myszka D. G.& Wu H.(2001) Structural basis of caspase inhibition by XIAP: differential roles of the linker versus the BIR domain. Cell, 104:781-790. 



黄亿华  研究员

周海珍  助理研究员

郑江歌  助理研究员

于  珊  助理研究员

乔  帅  2010级博士(已毕业)


王  研  2011级博士(已毕业)


孙传奇  2013级博士生(已毕业)

王成爱  2014级博士生

韩延龙  2015级博士生

寇永君  2012级硕士生(已毕业)

韩  龙  2013级硕博连读生


骆青山  2013级硕博连读生


贝伟伟  2014 级硕博连读生

杨  敏  2015级硕博连读生

辛彦龙  2011级中科大联合培养硕博连读生

董安琪  2016级硕博连读生

申  飞  2016级硕博连读生
