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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
SAFA facilitates chromatin opening of immune genes through interacting with anti-viral host RNAs CAO LL PLOS PATHOGENS 2022
High Mobility Group Protein B1 Decreases Surface Localization of PD-1 to Augment T-cell Activation CAO Q CANCER IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH 2022
Intestinal Microflora Changes in Patients with Mild Alzheimer's Disease in a Chinese Cohort WANG YL JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 2022
Origin, virological features, immune evasion and intervention of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublineages XIA S SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND TARGETED THERAPY 2022
Excited-state intermediates in a designer protein encoding a phototrigger caught by an X-ray free-electron laser LIU XH NATURE CHEMISTRY 2022
A Bright Monomeric Near-Infrared Fluorescent Protein with an Excitation Peak at 633 nm for Labeling Cellular Protein and Reporting Protein-Protein Interaction LIU F ACS SENSORS 2022
Comprehensive Evaluation of Different TiO2-Based Phosphopeptide Enrichment and Fractionation Methods for Phosphoproteomics LI JR CELLS 2022
Structure of Arabidopsis SOQ1 lumenal region unveils C-terminal domain essential for negative regulation of photoprotective qH YU GM NATURE PLANTS 2022
Poroptosis: A form of cell death depending on plasma membrane nanopores formation LI H ISCIENCE 2022
S100A4-dependent glycolysis promotes lymphatic vessel sprouting in tumor LI AQ ANGIOGENESIS 2022
Essence determines phenomenon: Assaying the material properties of biological condensates WANG Z JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2022
Male antiphonal calls and phonotaxis evoked by female courtship calls in the large odorous frog (Odorrana graminea) SHEN JX JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY 2022
Morphological characteristics of lenticulostriate arteries in a large age-span population: Results from 7T TOF-MRA WEI N FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2022
Overexpressing HPGDS in adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells reduces inflammatory state and improves wound healing in type 2 diabetic mice OUYANG L STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY 2022
Identification of 12 OCA Cases in Chinese Population and Two Novel Variants ZHONG ZL FRONTIERS IN GENETICS 2022
Constructing a nanocage-based universal carrier for delivering TLR- activating nucleic acids to enhance antitumor immunotherapy ZHANG BL NANO TODAY 2022
Structural insights reveal the specific recognition of meiRNA by the Mei2 protein SHEN SY JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 2022
Nitric oxide inhibits alginate biosynthesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and increases its sensitivity to tobramycin by downregulating algU gene expression GAO L NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY 2022
A high-performance genetically encoded fluorescent indicator for in vivo cAMP imaging WANG L NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2022
An atypical MAPK regulates translocation of a GATA transcription factor in response to chemoattractant stimulation HADWIGER JA JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 2022