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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Transcriptome analysis of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) head kidney and liver reveals immune mechanism in response to Vibrio anguillarum infection SONG YT JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES 2022
Nanozyme: A promising tool from clinical diagnosis and environmental monitoring to wastewater treatment HONG CY PARTICUOLOGY 2022
Non-adjuvanted interferon-armed RBD protein nasal drops protect airway infection from SARS-CoV-2 LIN YF CELL DISCOVERY 2022
Revisit the signatures of gamma delta T cells in hepatocellular carcinoma COMMENT GAO YN CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2022
Electrochemical techniques for monitoring the biodegradability of nanocomposite Mg-alloy/HA for repairing bone fracture HU HM JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T 2022
The brain basis of handwriting deficits in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia YANG Y DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE 2022
Heterochromatin Related-protein TRIM28Regulates The Transcription ofZinc Finger Protein Family Genes and Protocadherin Protein Family Genes br ZHANG XY PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2022
Mechanisms of chromatin-based epigenetic inheritance DU WL SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2022
Anterior cingulate glutamate levels associate with functional activation and connectivity during sensory integration in schizophrenia: a multimodal H-1-MRS and fMRI study CAI XL PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE 2022
Neural regeneration therapy after spinal cord injury induces unique brain functional reorganizations in rhesus monkeys RAO JS ANNALS OF MEDICINE 2022
Two-Dimensional Protein Nanoarray as a Carrier of Sensing Elements for Gold-Based Immunosensing Systems TANG JY ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2022
Cryo-EM structures reveal the dynamic transformation of human alpha-2-macroglobulin working as a protease inhibitor HUANG XX SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2022
Tc-99m-CD3813: A Nanobody-Based Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Radiotracer with Clinical Potential for Myeloma Imaging and Evaluation of CD38 Expression SHI LQ MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS 2022
Plasma proteome profiling combined with clinical and genetic features reveals the pathophysiological characteristics of beta-thalassemia LI N ISCIENCE 2022
The Life of SARS-CoV-2 Inside Cells: Replication-Transcription Complex Assembly and Function LOU ZY ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY 2022
Pancreatic islet organoids-on-a-chip: how far have we gone? YIN JX JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 2022
Carbon dots supported single Fe atom nanozyme for drug-resistant glioblastoma therapy by activating autophagy-lysosome pathway MUHAMMAD P NANO TODAY 2022
Purification-induced damage to calicivirus particles at near-atomic resolution QU ZH JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY 2022
Structural basis of ligand binding modes of human EAAT2 ZHANG ZL NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2022
Amygdala-pons connectivity is hyperactive and associated with symptom severity in depression WONG JJ COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 2022