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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Crystal structure of Cas1 in complex with branched DNA YANG J SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2019
TGF beta-like DAF-7 acts as a systemic signal for autophagy regulation in C. elegans ZHANG YJ JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 2019
High-quality, high-throughput cryo-electron microscopy data collection via beam tilt and astigmatism-free beam-image shift WU CL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 2019
Kinetic analysis of DNA compaction by mycobacterial integration host factor at the single-molecule level CHEN YY TUBERCULOSIS 2019
Endogenous formaldehyde is a memory-related molecule in mice and humans AI L COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 2019
A Possible Modulation Mechanism of Intramolecular and Intermolecular Interactions for NCAM Polysialylation and Cell Migration LU B CURRENT TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2019
Image correction for diffusion tensor imaging of Rhesus monkey thoracic spinal cord RAO JS JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRIMATOLOGY 2019
Brain structural and functional changes in patients with major depressive disorder: a literature review DAI LS PEERJ 2019
AcrIIA5 Inhibits a Broad Range of Cas9 Orthologs by Preventing DNA Target Cleavage SONG GX CELL REPORTS 2019
Functional Identification and Characterization of the Nuclear Egress Complex of a Gammaherpesvirus LV Y JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 2019
A 3.3 angstrom-Resolution Structure of Hyperthermophilic Respiratory Complex III Reveals the Mechanism of its Thermal Stability ZHU GL ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2019
CRISPR-based genomic loci labeling revealed ordered spatial organization of chromatin in living diploid human cells GUO DG BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH 2019
Furin-mediated intracellular self-assembly of olsalazine nanoparticles for enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and tumour therapy YUAN Y NATURE MATERIALS 2019
An Artificial Intelligent Signal Amplification System for in vivo Detection of miRNA MA XB FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2019
Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Amino Acid for Monitoring Protein Interactions through FRET HUANG SM ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2019
Molecular Mechanism for Ligand Recognition and Subtype Selectivity of alpha(2C) Adrenergic Receptor CHEN XY CELL REPORTS 2019
Tumor Targeting Strategies of Smart Fluorescent Nanoparticles and Their Applications in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment HE JY ADVANCED MATERIALS 2019
Cenpj Regulates Cilia Disassembly and Neurogenesis in the Developing Mouse Cortex DING WY JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2019
Linkage and sequence analysis of neutral oligosaccharides by negative-ion MALDI tandem mass spectrometry with laser-induced dissociation HUANG CC ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA 2019
Identification of Insulin-Responsive Transcription Factors That Regulate Glucose Production by Hepatocytes WANG LH DIABETES 2019