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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Overexpression of the immediate early response 5 gene increases the radiosensitivity of HeLa cells DING KK ONCOLOGY LETTERS 2019
Cinnamaldehyde causes apoptosis of myeloid-derived suppressor cells through the activation of TLR4 HE WZ ONCOLOGY LETTERS 2019
Etoposide induced Protein 2.4 Regulates The Development and IFN-gamma Production of iNKT Cells DU ZW PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2019
Best-first search guided multistage mass spectrometry-based glycan identification WANG YJ BIOINFORMATICS 2019
Structural insight into RNA synthesis by influenza D polymerase PENG Q NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 2019
Coactivations of barrel and piriform cortices induce their mutual synapse innervations and recruit associative memory cells GAO ZL BRAIN RESEARCH 2019
A critical role of VMP1 in lipoprotein secretion MORISHITA H ELIFE 2019
Mechanosensing through immunoreceptors ZHU C NATURE IMMUNOLOGY 2019
Increased resting-state functional connectivity in suprasellar tumor patients with postoperative visual improvement YING JY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 2019
Interplay between the bacterial protein deacetylase CobB and the second messenger c-di-GMP XU ZW EMBO JOURNAL 2019
Nepenthes-inspired multifunctional nanoblades with mechanical bactericidal, self-cleaning and insect anti-adhesive characteristics XIE Y RSC ADVANCES 2019
Bispecific anti-CD3 x anti-B7-H3 antibody mediates T cell cytotoxic ability to human melanoma in vitro and in vivo MA J INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS 2019
Interplay between the bacterial protein deacetylase CobB and the second messenger c-di-GMP XU ZW EMBO JOURNAL 2019
Crystal structure of dopamine receptor D4 bound to the subtype selective ligand, L745870 ZHOU Y ELIFE 2019
Role of Surface RGD Patterns on Protein Nanocages in Tumor Targeting Revealed Using Precise Discrete Models FANG T SMALL 2019
Advances in chiral nanozymes: a review ZHANG RF MICROCHIMICA ACTA 2019
Interplay between alpha 2-chimaerin and Rac1 activity determines dynamic maintenance of long-term memory LV L NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2019
Structural insights into substrate recognition by the type VII secretion system WANG SH PROTEIN & CELL 2019
Azithromycin Protects against Zika Virus Infection by Upregulating Virus-Induced Type I and III Interferon Responses LI CF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY 2019
Histone Modifications Regulate Chromatin Compartmentalization by Contributing to a Phase Separation Mechanism WANG L MOLECULAR CELL 2019