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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
CRISPR/Cas9 System: an Important Tool for rain and. Cognitive Science WANG H PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2017
Detection and Identification of Serum Protein Peak at 6648 m/z as a Novel Indicator in Breast Cancer Based on Mass Spectrometry SONG DJ DISCOVERY MEDICINE 2017
Retinoic acid ameliorates high-fat diet-induced liver steatosis through sirt1 GENG C SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2017
Role of the Hippocampus in Distinct Memory Traces: Timing of Match and Mismatch Enhancement Revealed by Intracranial Recording NI B NEUROSCIENCE BULLETIN 2017
Structural and Functional Characterization of the FadR Regulatory Protein from Vibrio alginolyticus GAO RS FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY 2017
Resveratrol Exerts Antioxidant Effects by Activating SIRT2 To Deacetylate Prx1 PAN YC BIOCHEMISTRY 2017
Live Visualization of HIV-1 Proviral DNA Using a Dual-Color-Labeled CRISPR System MA YX ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2017
Systematic Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Effectors Reveals that BfrB Suppresses Innate Immunity HE X MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 2017
A photovoltaic self-powered gas sensor based on a single-walled carbon nanotube/Si heterojunction LIU L NANOSCALE 2017
D-Ribose as a Contributor to Glycated Haemoglobin CHEN XX EBIOMEDICINE 2017
A Presynaptic Function of Shank Protein in Drosophila WU S JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2017
Upregulation of the checkpoint protein CHFR is associated with tumor suppression in pancreatic cancers ZHANG D ONCOLOGY LETTERS 2017
ICON-MIC: Implementing a CPU/MIC Collaboration Parallel Framework for ICON on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer WANG ZH JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 2017
A Balance of Yki/Sd Activator and E2F1/Sd Repressor Complexes Controls Cell Survival and Affects Organ Size ZHANG P DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2017
The long noncoding RNA SNHG1 promotes tumor growth through regulating transcription of both local and distal genes SUN Y ONCOGENE 2017
Dynein and EFF-1 control dendrite morphology by regulating the localization pattern of SAX-7 in epidermal cells ZHU T JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 2017
Insights into the Structure of Dimeric RNA Helicase CsdA and Indispensable Role of Its C-Terminal Regions XU L STRUCTURE 2017
Clustering algorithm for audio signals based on the sequential Psim matrix and Tabu Search LI WF EURASIP JOURNAL ON AUDIO SPEECH AND MUSIC PROCESSING 2017
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Promote Hepatocarcinogenesis via lncRNA-MUF Interaction with ANXA2 and miR-34a YAN XL CANCER RESEARCH 2017
Perceptual integration rapidly activates dorsal visual pathway to guide local processing in early visual areas LIU L PLOS BIOLOGY 2017