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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
MicroRNAs recruit eIF4E2 to repress translation of target mRNAs CHEN SH PROTEIN & CELL 2017
Ultrasensitive Detection of Viable Enterobacter sakazakii by a Continual Cascade Nanozyme Biosensor ZHANG L ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2017
A Sensitive and Rapid Method for Detecting Formaldehyde in Brain Tissues YUE XP ANALYTICAL CELLULAR PATHOLOGY 2017
HDAC6 Suppresses Age-Dependent Ectopic Fat Accumulation by Maintaining the Proteostasis of PLIN2 in Drosophila YAN Y DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2017
Noninvasive Imaging of CD206-Positive M2 Macrophages as an Early Biomarker for Post-Chemotherapy Tumor Relapse and Lymph Node Metastasis ZHANG CR THERANOSTICS 2017
The composition of a protein aggregate modulates the specificity and efficiency of its autophagic degradation ZHANG GM AUTOPHAGY 2017
Increased GSNOR Expression during Aging Impairs Cognitive Function and Decreases S-Nitrosation of CaMKII alpha ZHANG YY JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2017
Near-Atomic Resolution Structure Determination in Over-Focus with Volta Phase Plate by Cs-Corrected Cryo-EM FAN X STRUCTURE 2017
Small molecule inhibition of cGAS reduces interferon expression in primary macrophages from autoimmune mice VINCENT J NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2017
Optimizing the fragment complementation of APEX2 for detection of specific protein-protein interactions in live cells XUE MM SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
A Rab5 GTPase module is important for autophagosome closure ZHOU F PLOS GENETICS 2017
WDR91 is a Rab7 effector required for neuronal development LIU K JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 2017
Altered Distant Synchronization of Background Network in Mild Cognitive Impairment during an Executive Function Task WANG PY FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 2017
AuTom: A novel automatic platform for electron tomography reconstruction HAN RM JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 2017
Ceramide enhances COX-2 expression and VSMC contractile hyperreactivity via ER stress signal activation ZHANG HN VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY 2017
Generation of low-gamma oscillations in a GABAergic network model of the striatum WU ZH NEURAL NETWORKS 2017
Distinct Effects of Ca2+ Sparks on Cerebral Artery and Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Tone in Mice and Humans ZHAO QY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2017
A small molecule activator of SIRT3 promotes deacetylation and activation of manganese superoxide dismutase LU JQ FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2017
Sr2+ has low efficiency in regulating spontaneous release at the Calyx of Held synapses ZHANG SL SYNAPSE 2017
Vaccines Targeting PreS1 Domain Overcome Immune Tolerance in Hepatitis B Virus Carrier Mice BIAN YJ HEPATOLOGY 2017