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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Reward memory relieves anxiety-related behavior through synaptic strengthening and protein kinase C in dentate gyrus LEI ZF HIPPOCAMPUS 2016
Shielding of the Geomagnetic Field Alters Actin Assembly and Inhibits Cell Motility in Human Neuroblastoma Cells MO WC SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
The microRNA miR-124 suppresses seizure activity and regulates CREB1 activity WANG W EXPERT REVIEWS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE 2016
Preliminary investigation of human serum albumin-V beta inhibition on toxic shock syndrome induced by staphylococcus enterotoxin B in vitro and in vivo YUAN QF TOXICON 2016
Construction of Nanodroplet/Adiposome and Artificial Lipid Droplets WANG Y ACS NANO 2016
Functional organization of telencephalic visual association fields in pigeons STACHO M BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2016
Structural insights of nucleosome and the 30-nm chromatin fiber ZHU P CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 2016
Characterization and relative quantification of phospholipids based on methylation and stable isotopic labeling CAI TX JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH 2016
Hippo/MST1 signaling mediates microglial activation following acute cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury ZHAO SQ BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 2016
The histone H3.306M mutation reprograms the epigenome of chondroblastomas FANG D SCIENCE 2016
Reduced miR-200b and miR-200c expression contributes to abnormal hepatic lipid accumulation by stimulating JUN expression and activating the transcription of srebp1 GUO J ONCOTARGET 2016
B7-H3 as a promising target for cytotoxicity T cell in human cancer therapy MA J ONCOTARGET 2016
ICON: 3D reconstruction with 'missing-information' restoration in biological electron tomography DENG YC JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 2016
FIRT: Filtered iterative reconstruction technique with information restoration CHEN Y JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY 2016
Tumor suppressor Spred2 interaction with LC3 promotes autophagosome maturation and induces autophagy-dependent cell death JIANG K ONCOTARGET 2016
Reduced cytosolic carboxypeptidase 6 (CCP6) level leads to accumulation of serum polyglutamylated DNAJC7 protein: A potential biomarker for renal cell carcinoma early detection LI C ONCOTARGET 2016
Activation of bitter taste receptors (tas2rs) relaxes detrusor smooth muscle and suppresses overactive bladder symptoms ZHAI K ONCOTARGET 2016
An automated approach for global identification of sRNA-encoding regions in RNA-Seq data from Mycobacterium tuberculosis WANG M ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA 2016
A mechanism for the growth of a plasma electrolytic oxide coating on Al ZHU LJ ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 2016
BioCircos.js: an interactive Circos JavaScript library for biological data visualization on web applications CUI Y BIOINFORMATICS 2016