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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
An epigenetic biomarker combination of PCDH17 and POU4F2 detects bladder cancer accurately by methylation analyses of urine sediment DNA in Han Chinese WANG YQ ONCOTARGET 2016
NPInter v3.0: an upgraded database of noncoding RNA-associated interactions HAO YJ DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION 2016
TnF neutralization results in the Delay of Transplantable Tumor growth and reduced MDsc accumulation ATRETKHANY KSN FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2016
Decline of cell viability and mitochondrial activity in mouse skeletal muscle cell in a hypomagnetic field FU JP BIOELECTROMAGNETICS 2016
Novel variants in MLL confer to bladder cancer recurrence identified by whole-exome sequencing WU S ONCOTARGET 2016
Infiltrating mast cells increase prostate cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy resistances via modulation of p38/p53/p21 and ATM signals XIE HJ ONCOTARGET 2016
Correcting the Relative Bias of Light Obscuration and Flow Imaging Particle Counters RIPPLE DC PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH 2016
Homeostatic Control of Innate Lung Inflammation by Vici Syndrome Gene Epg5 and Additional Autophagy Genes Promotes Influenza Pathogenesis LU Q CELL HOST & MICROBE 2016
Yersinia spp. Identification Using Copy Diversity in the Chromosomal 16S rRNA Gene Sequence HAO HJ PLOS ONE 2016
Androgen receptor antagonists compromise T cell response against prostate cancer leading to early tumor relapse PU Y SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2016
Inflammation-Dependent IL18 Signaling Restricts Hepatocellular Carcinoma Growth by Enhancing the Accumulation and Activity of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes MARKOWITZ GJ CANCER RESEARCH 2016
GALNT1-Mediated Glycosylation and Activation of Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Maintains the Self-Renewal and Tumor-Initiating Capacity of Bladder Cancer Stem Cells LI C CANCER RESEARCH 2016
Diagnostic and prognostic role of serum protein peak at 6449 m/z in gastric adenocarcinoma based on mass spectrometry SONG DJ BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER 2016
Functional Genomics Reveals Linkers Critical for Influenza Virus Polymerase WANG LL JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 2016
Nanozymes: an emerging field bridging nanotechnology and biology GAO LZ SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2016
Effect of ultraviolet irradiation and chlorination on ampicillin-resistant Escherichia coli and its ampicillin resistance gene PANG YC FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 2016
Novel Roles of the Non-catalytic Elements of Yeast Protein-disulfide Isomerase in Its Interplay with Endoplasmic Reticulum Oxidoreductin 1 NIU YB JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2016
Small differences make a big impact: Structural insights into the differential function of the 2 Atg8 homologs in C-elegans WU F AUTOPHAGY 2016
Viral nanoparticle of simian virus 40 for nanobiotechnological applications LI F NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2016
Intracellular cargo delivery by virus capsid protein-based vehicles: From nano to micro GAO D NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2016