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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Dynamics of histone variant H3.3 and its coregulation with H2A.Z at enhancers and promoters CHEN P NUCLEUS-AUSTIN 2014
Upregulation of Glutamatergic Receptor-Channels is Associated with Cross-Modal Reflexes Encoded in Barrel Cortex and Piriform Cortex WANG JH BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2014
HID-1 is a Novel Player in the Regulation of Blood Glucose DU W BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2014
Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Immunopathogenesis in a Humanized Mouse Model: Induction of Human-Specific Liver Fibrosis and M2-Like Macrophages BILITY MT PLOS PATHOGENS 2014
Cryo-EM Structure of Isomeric Molluscan Hemocyanin Triggered by Viral Infection ZHU HT PLOS ONE 2014
High-Density 3D Single Molecular Analysis Based on Compressed Sensing GU LS BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2014
Mi(c)rosecond Dissection of Neurotransmitter Release: SNARE-Complex Assembly Dictates Speed and Ca2+ Sensitivity ACUNA C NEURON 2014
GATA3 cooperates with PARP1 to regulate CCND1 transcription through modulating histone H1 incorporation SHAN L ONCOGENE 2014
Efficient genetic manipulation of the NOD-Rag1-/-IL2RgammaC-null mouse by combining in vitro fertilization and CRISPR/Cas9 technology LI F SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2014
Analysis of interactions between SNARE proteins using imaging ellipsometer coupled with microfluidic array QI C SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2014
T-cell Immunoglobulin and ITIM Domain (TIGIT) Receptor/Poliovirus Receptor (PVR) Ligand Engagement Suppresses Interferon-gamma Production of Natural Killer Cells via beta-Arrestin 2-mediated Nega... LI M JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2014
Genetic tuning of the novel avian influenza A(H7N9) virus during interspecies transmission, China, 2013 WANG D EUROSURVEILLANCE 2014
Interferon-lambda 1 induces G1 phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in gastric carcinoma cells in vitro GAO ZT ONCOLOGY REPORTS 2014
Transcranial direct current stimulation of the frontal-parietal-temporal area attenuates smoking behavior MENG ZQ JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 2014
Earliest stages of visual cortical processing are not modified by attentional load DING YL HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2014
Interferon-gamma produced by tumor-infiltrating NK cells and CD4(+) T cells downregulates TNFSF15 expression in vascular endothelial cells LU Y ANGIOGENESIS 2014
Structural basis for lipopolysaccharide insertion in the bacterial outer membrane QIAO S NATURE 2014
Acs is essential for propionate utilization in Escherichia coli LIU FY BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2014
Three-dimensional structures of mutants of Ca2+-regulated photoprotein obelin provide insight into molecular mechanisms underlying changes in bioluminescent properties NATASHIN P LUMINESCENCE 2014
MiRNA expression profile reveals a prognostic signature for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma CHEN ZL CANCER LETTERS 2014