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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Cryo-EM Study of the Chromatin Fiber Reveals a Double Helix Twisted by Tetranucleosomal Units SONG F SCIENCE 2014
Transthyretin as a novel candidate biomarker for preeclampsia ZHU L EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 2014
Structural and Biochemical Characterization Reveals LysGH15 as an Unprecedented 'EF-Hand-Like' Calcium-Binding Phage Lysin GU JM PLOS PATHOGENS 2014
Applications of direct methods in protein crystallography for dealing with diffraction data down to 5 A resolution FAN HF ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES 2014
Integrin alpha(v)beta(6)-Targeted SPECT Imaging for Pancreatic Cancer Detection LIU ZF JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 2014
Design and in vitro evaluation of a novel poly(methacrylic acid)/metronidazole antibacterial nanogel as an oral dosage formZ CHEN T COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 2014
Puzzle out the regulation mechanism of PI4KII alpha activity SUN F SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2014
Hat2p recognizes the histone H3 tail to specify the acetylation of the newly synthesized H3/H4 heterodimer by the Hat1p/Hat2p complex LI Y GENES & DEVELOPMENT 2014
Structural insights into the T6SS effector protein Tse3 and the Tse3-Tsi3 complex from Pseudomonas aeruginosa reveal a calcium-dependent membrane-binding mechanism LU DF MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY 2014
Genome-wide screen identifies signaling pathways that regulate autophagy during Caenorhabditis elegans development GUO B EMBO REPORTS 2014
A chemical approach to 'rewire' neural progenitor cells WU MZ CELL RESEARCH 2014
Pupillary Reflex and Saccade in Bistable Perception to Ambiguous Figure of Stucture-from-Motion TAN H PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2014
Architecture of Human HDAC1/2-RbAp46/48 Core Protein Complex Revealed by Electron Microscopy LIU J PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2014
Implicit Perception of 'Holes' Under Continuous Flash Suppression CHEN YQ PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2014
Structural insights into the mechanism of calmodulin binding to death receptors CAO P ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2014
Crystal Structure of the Interferon Gamma Receptor Alpha Chain from Chicken Reveals an Undetected Extra Helix Compared with the Human Counterparts PING ZG JOURNAL OF INTERFERON AND CYTOKINE RESEARCH 2014
Voltage-independent sodium channels emerge for an expression of activity-induced spontaneous spikes in GABAergic neurons LU W MOLECULAR BRAIN 2014
New Insights into the DT40 B Cell Receptor Cluster Using a Proteomic Proximity Labeling Assay LI XW JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2014
Identification of the Active Sites in the Methyltransferases of a Transcribing dsRNA Virus ZHU B JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2014
Quantitative proteomics reveals ER-alpha involvement in CD146-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer cells ZENG QQ JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS 2014