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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Construction of a Fully Synthetic Human scFv Antibody Library with CDR3 Regions Randomized by a Split-Mix-Split Method and Its Application YIN CC JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 2008
Comparison of the endogenous I-K currents in rat hippocampal neurons and cloned Kv2.1 channels in CHO cells LIU M CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2008
A Role for Xvax2 in Controlling Proliferation of Xenopus Ventral Eye and Brain Progenitors LIU MN DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 2008
Mammalian Lanthionine Synthetase-Like Protein-1 (Lancl1) Catalyzes Glutathionylation of Phospho-Amino Acid Substrates in Vitro : Possible Implications to Redox Signaling HENSLEY K FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2008
Purification and characterization of a novel cholesterol-lowering protein from the seeds of Senna obtusifolia LI CH SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2008
ESR Study in Reactive Oxygen Species Free Radical Production of Pinus kesiya var. langbinensis Heartwood Treated with Laccase CAO YJ APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE 2008
Decomposing phenol by the hidden talent of ferromagnetic nanoparticles ZHANG JB CHEMOSPHERE 2008
Regulatory role of thioredoxin in homocysteine-induced monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 secretion in monocytes/macrophages DAI J FEBS LETTERS 2008
Generation and Characterization of a Panel of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Distinct Epitopes of Human CD146 ZHANG Y HYBRIDOMA 2008
Crystal structures of human BTG2 and mouse TIS21 involved in suppression of CAF1 deadenylase activity YANG X NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2008
On-chip ligation of multiplexing probe-pairs for identifying point mutations out of dense SNP loci XU C BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 2008
Fabrication of F0F1-ATPase Nanostructure on Gold Surface Through Dip-Pen Nanolithography LIU XL JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2008
Cryoelectron Tomography of HIV-1 Envelope Spikes: Further Evidence for Tripod-Like Legs ZHU P PLOS PATHOGENS 2008
An ER Locating Protein Named RCN2 Interacts With STIM1-Orai1 Complex ZHAN Y PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2008
Differentiating spatial and object-based effects on attention: An event-related brain potential study-with peripheral cueing HE X BRAIN RESEARCH 2008
High efficient differentiation of (embryonic) stem cells into cardiac myocytes: introduction of a new inducer MIAO L CELL RESEARCH 2008
PLP2, a potent deubiquitinase from murine hepatitis virus, strongly inhibits cellular type I interferon production ZHENG DH CELL RESEARCH 2008
Dissecting Signaling Pathways That Govern Self-renewal of Rabbit Embryonic Stem Cells WANG SF JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2008
Loss of membrane cholesterol affects lysosomal osmotic stability HAO SJ GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS 2008
beta(2)-Agonists Potentiate Corticosteroid-Induced Neutrophil Survival PERTTUNEN H COPD-JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE 2008