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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Crystal structure of the polymerase PA(C)-PB1(N) complex from an avian influenza H5N1 virus HE XJ NATURE 2008
Alpha cells take off first HE SG NEURON 2008
Effects of binocular suppression on surround suppression CAI YC JOURNAL OF VISION 2008
A subset of octopaminergic neurons are important for Drosophila aggression ZHOU C NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2008
Crystal structure of a glutamate/aspartate binding protein complexed with a glutamate molecule: Structural basis of ligand specificity at atomic resolution HU YL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2008
Comparative study on the offset responses of simple cells and complex cells in the primary visual cortex of the cat LIANG Z NEUROSCIENCE 2008
Back-translocation in protein synthesis YAN Q PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2008
The universal fuzzy logical framework of neural circuits and its application in modeling primary visual cortex HU H SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2008
Ablation of TNF or lymphotoxin signaling and the frequency of spontaneous tumors in p53-deficient mice KUPRASH DV CANCER LETTERS 2008
Circadian modulation of light-induced locomotion responses in Drosophila melanogaster LU B GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR 2008
Crystal structure of human pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase MENG ZH AMINO ACIDS 2008
Multimodality molecular imaging - Improving image quality TIAN J IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY MAGAZINE 2008
Photothermal therapy of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice using gold nanoshells on carboxylated polystyrene spheres LIU HY NANOTECHNOLOGY 2008
Delayed inhibition creates amplitude tuning of mouse inferior collicular neurons TANG J NEUROREPORT 2008
Tubulin assembly is disordered in a hypogeomagnetic field WANG DL BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2008
A Stabilizing alpha/beta-Hydrophobic Core Greatly Contributes to Hyperthermostability of Archaeal [P62A]Ssh10b FANG XY BIOCHEMISTRY 2008
Structural and Functional Characterization of Ryanodine Receptor-Natrin Toxin Interaction ZHOU Q BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2008
Neuronal Circuitry and Discharge Patterns Controlling Eye Movements in the Pigeon YANG Y JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2008
Probing Intrinsic Properties of a Robust Morphogen Gradient in Drosophila HE F DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2008
An Unusual Haplotype Structure on Human Chromosome 8p23 Derived From the Inversion Polymorphism DENG LB HUMAN MUTATION 2008