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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
MAPK-activated protein kinase-2 (MK2)-mediated formation and phosphorylation-regulated dissociation of the signal complex consisting of p38, MK2, Akt, and Hsp27 ZHENG CL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2006
Association study of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 gene (ACE2) polymorphisms and essential hypertension in northern Han Chinese HUANG W JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION 2006
Anti-CD146 monoclonal antibody AA98 inhibits angiogenesis via suppression of nuclear factor-kappa B activation BU PC MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS 2006
Structural reconstruction of the catalytic center of LiPDF through multiple scattering calculation with MXAN GUO XY RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY 2006
Citron kinase, a RhoA effector, enhances HIV-1 virion production by modulating exocytosis LOOMIS RJ TRAFFIC 2006
Purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies on 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactarate aldolase from Leptospira interrogans LI X ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND CRYSTALLIZATION COMMUNICATIONS 2006
Probing the folding capacity and residual structures in 1-79 residues fragment of staphylococcal nuclease by biophysical and NMR methods WANG X BIOCHIMIE 2006
Heat shock protein 70 inhibits alpha-synuclein fibril formation via interactions with diverse intermediates HUANG CJ JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2006
Production of heparin oligosaccharides by fusion protein of MBP-heparinase I and the enzyme thermostability YING KA JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATIC 2006
Keshan disease and mitochondrial cardiomyopathy YANG FY SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2006
Functional degradation of visual cortical cells in aged rats WANG H BRAIN RESEARCH 2006
Effects of phospholipase A(2) on the lysosomal ion permeability and osmotic sensitivity WANG JW CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS 2006
Suppression of human hepatoma growth in vivo by a monoclonal antibody against a Mr 45,000 protein LIN Y CANCER INVESTIGATION 2006
Folding of Escherichia coli DsbC: Characterization of a monomeric folding intermediate KE HM BIOCHEMISTRY 2006
Drug design targeting the main protease, the Achilles' heel of coronaviruses YANG HT CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN 2006
Thioredoxin protects neuronal cells from 6-hydroxydopamine-induced apoptosis via supressing JNK/p38 MAPK signaling and enhancing Akt activation SHEN X FREE RADICAL RESEARCH 2006
Proteomic analysis of S-nitrosation in spinach chloroplasts much more beyond S-nitrosated target screening HUANG B FREE RADICAL RESEARCH 2006
Seeing the process of histidine phosphorylation in human bisphosphoglycerate mutase WANG YL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2006
Response characteristics of the pigeon's pretectal neurons to illusory contours and motion NIU YQ JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON 2006
Coelenterazine-binding protein of Renilla muelleri: Cloning and determination of three-dimensional structure STEPANYUK GA LUMINESCENCE 2006