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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Crystal structure of human pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase MENG ZH JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2006
Characterization of Fe, Cu and Zn in organs of PDAPP transgenic mice by XRF spectrometry ZHANG ZY X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 2006
The postnatal development of refractory periods and threshold potentials at cerebellar Purkinje neurons GUAN SD BRAIN RESEARCH 2006
Auditory response characteristics of the piebald odorous frog and their implications YU ZL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY 2006
NPInter: the noncoding RNAs and protein related biomacromolecules interaction database WU T NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2006
Dynamic changes in subgraph preference profiles of crucial transcription factors ZHANG ZH PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 2006
A strategy for ordered sequencing based on single molecule nanomanipulation LU M PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2006
S-nitrosation: The prototypic redox-based post-translational modification of proteins CHEN C PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2006
Investigation of interaction between two neutralizing monoclonal antibodies and SARS virus using biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry QI C BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES 2006
Biological application of multi-component nanowires in hybrid devices powered by F-1-ATPase motors REN Q BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES 2006
New antiviral target revealed by the hexameric structure of mouse hepatitis virus nonstructural protein nsp15 XU XL JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 2006
Dodecamer structure of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nonstructural protein nsp10 SU D JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 2006
Mechanically driven proton conduction in single delta-free F0F1-ATPase LIU XL BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2006
Effect of C-terminal truncation on the molecular chaperone function and dimerization of Escherichia coli trigger factor ZENG LL BIOCHIMIE 2006
Regulation of antiviral responses by a direct and specific interaction between TRAF3 and Cardif SAHA SK EMBO JOURNAL 2006
An ascorbate-dependent artifact that interferes with the interpretation of the biotin switch assay HUANG B FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2006
Imaging of dynamic secretory vesicles in living pollen tubes of Picea meyeri using evanescent wave microscopy WANG XH PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 2006
Tumor suppressor pp32 represses cell growth through inhibition of transcription by blocking acetylation and phosphorylation of histone H3 and initiating its proapoptotic activity FAN Z CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION 2006
Perceptual asynchrony: motion leads color WANG P NEUROREPORT 2006
Na+ enhanced oligomerization of L-glutamic acid MA YL ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF THE BIOSPHERE 2006