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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Principle of iris computer recognition. YAN MJ PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000
Early morphogenesis of visual system is related to Vax family. LIU Y PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000
Circular dichroism spectroscopic studies on structures formed by telomeric DNA sequences in vitro ZHANG XY CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 2000
Theoretical study on intramolecular hydrogen transfer involving amino-substituted perylenequinone LIU W DYES AND PIGMENTS 2000
A photoelectric method for analyzing NO-Induced apoptosis in cultured neuronal cells ZHANG CY ELECTROANALYSIS 2000
The mechanism of Fe2+-initiated lipid peroxidation in liposomes: the dual function of ferrous ions, the roles of the pre-existing lipid peroxides and the lipid peroxyl radical TANG LX BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2000
Effects of bicuculline on direction-sensitive relay cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) of cats HU B BRAIN RESEARCH 2000
Preliminary study on electron crystallography of 27 kD LHC-II complex from cucumber ZHANG XJ ACTA BOTANICA SINICA 2000
Improvement of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis for proteomics of rat central nerve system. ZHAO CJ PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000
Study on purification and activity of plasma membrane H+-ATPase of Populus euphratica. ZHANG L PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000
Change of cell cycle and resistance of A(549) cells to cisplatin. LIANG XJ PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000
Protein misfolding and disease. ZHOU JM PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000
Comparative study on direction selectivity and functional organization of the primary visual cortical cells in monkeys and cats SHOU TD SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2000
Cysteine-independent polymerization of metallothioneins in solutions and in crystals HOU TJ PROTEIN SCIENCE 2000
Reactive oxygen species are involved in nitric oxide-induced apoptosis in rat cortical neurons WEI TT RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 2000
EPC-K1 protects neuronal cells from peroxynitrite-mediated oxidative damage WEI TT RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES 2000
A new method for protein domain recognition XUAN ZY EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL WITH BIOPHYSICS LETTERS 2000
Formation of sequence-specific telomeric DNA loops via a direct effects of psoralen-photosensitization on telomeres CAO EH BIOMEDICAL PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONIC IMAGING 2000
Apoptosis of tumor cells induced by weak electromagnetic fields in vivo JIAO HJ 2000 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES CONFERENCE DIGEST 2000