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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Activities and properties of calcineurin catalytic domain YANG SJ CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 2000
Thermal stable and oxidation-resistant variant of subtilisin E YANG YH JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 2000
Simulated biological effects of microgravity on phospholipid and energy metabolism of chicken embryonic brain cells studied by P-31-NMR spectroscopy SUN T SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2000
Characterization of L-asparaginase fused with a protective ScFv and the protection mechanism GUO L BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2000
Functional implications of disulfide bond, Cys206-Cys210, in recombinant prochymosin (chymosin) CHEN HJ BIOCHEMISTRY 2000
Effect of human neuronal tau on denaturation and reactivation of rabbit muscle D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase CHEN YH BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL 2000
Intracellular free calcium concentration and cisplatin resistance in human lung adenocarcinoma A(549) cells LIANG XJ BIOSCIENCE REPORTS 2000
Construction and structural modeling of a single-chain Fv-asparaginase fusion protein resistant to proteolysis GUO L BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 2000
Homeobox genes in the genetic control of eye development LUPO G INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2000
On the apoptosis of macrophages induced by dexamethasone HUANG XX PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000
Nitric oxide induces oxidative stress and apoptosis in neuronal cells WEI TT BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH 2000
Lanthanide ions inhibit the activity of dihydrofolate reductase from chicken liver WU Y BIOMETALS 2000
Effect of spherical aberration introduced by water solution on trapping force YAO XC CHINESE PHYSICS 2000
Calculation of a certain determinant MEHTA ML COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2000
Open-loop and closed-loop optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in myasthenia gravis and nonmyasthenic subjects YANG Q EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY 2000
Mechanism of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living organisms POPP FA SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2000
Mitochondrial Ca2+ transport and permeability transition pore opening and mitochondrial energetic status HUANG XX SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2000
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component A from Eisenia fetida TANG Y ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2000
In vitro palmitoylation of native bovine brain G(o)alpha YANG SY SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES 2000
Ultra-weak chemiluminescence analytical technology principle and application. ZHANG ZL PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2000