[1] Ming Li, Kai Zhang, Yan Zhang and Fei Sun*。 MRPM: A Spider-based tool for cryo-EM heterogeneous data 3D reconstruction. Submitted to Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica.
1. particles_stack: is the root name of the particles spider stack file.
2. The program will delete all previous results before every new running. For keeping the previous results, you should change these name including files and folders.
3. The following files and variables must be set correctly for every new running.
(1) Pixel size, particle size, actural size, symmetry modes and cutoff in params.dat. cutoff=0.1 means ten percent particles with small threshold are removed.
(2) translation and rotation range in apshcore.spi
(3) radius in refprojcore.spi
(4) spider=’spider_bin_path’ in MRPM.py
4. The references lie in the template folder must have the name as template_01.dat, template_02.dat, …, template_0n.dat.
5. projs_ref0?: projections of the last reconstruction result corresponding to reference ?.
align_ref0?: particles parameters aligned to reference ?
vol_iter0?: the reconstruction results corresponding to reference 1-M at the current angle increment.
selprojs_ref0?: particles selection file corresponding to each reference projection for reference ?.
avg_ref0?: particles average corresponding to each reference projection for reference ?.