We are looking for highly motivated scientists to fill up to four positions in Dr. Jiangyun Wang’s laboratory at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing). The main research goals of Dr. Wang’s lab are protein engineering and evolution, chemical biology, protein structure determination, fluorescent imaging, and redox signaling.
1. Candidates need to have a Ph.D. or Master degree in chemistry with a strong background in synthetic organic chemistry; experience in amino acid, nucleic acid, heterocyclic compound synthesis is especially desirable. Experience in fluorescence spectroscopy, biochemistry or chemical biology is big plus.
2. Candidates need to have a Ph.D. or Master degree in molecular biology, biochemistry, or microbiology, with a strong background in cloning, protein engineering and evolution, protein chemistry and enzymology. Experience and knowledge in reactive oxygen species (ROS), and their roles in signal transduction is a plus.
3. Candidates need to have a Ph.D. degree or Master degree in molecular biology or biochemistry with a strong background in structural biology; experience in protein NMR structure determination or X-ray structure determination is especially desirable.
4. Candidates need to have a Ph.D. or Master degree in chemistry or biochemistry with a strong background in computational chemistry and biology, and experience in computational protein design and simulation. In- depth knowledge about Charmm and OPLS force fields, C/Fortran programming, DEE algorithm, A* algorithm, Insight and Schrodinger software is especially desirable.
Applications need to include the following materials in pdf format, send directly to Dr. Jiangyun Wang at jwang(AT)scripps.edu and jwang(AT)ibp.ac.cn.
1. A cover letter stating mid-term goals in the next 2-3 years, a research plan is desirable for Ph.D. candidates.
2. A CV that includes educational background, work experience, research experiences, publications, honors and awards, and contact information of two references.
3. Two reference letters from current and previous supervisors.
4. Reprints of representative publications.
The earliest start date for postdoctoral fellows is Jan, 2008, the earliest start date for Associate Professor or Assistant Professor is Mar, 2008. Salary and benefits are competitive and compensated with experiences.
Jiangyun Wang, Jianming Xie and Peter G. Schultz, “A genetically encoded fluorescent amino acid” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 8738.
Jiangyun Wang, Stephan Schiller and Peter G. Schultz, “A Biosynthetic Route to Dehydroalanine Containing Proteins” Angew. Chemie. Intl. Ed. 2007, 46, 6849.
Jiangyun Wang, Michael Rosenblatt and Kenneth S. Suslick, " NMR Structures of Peptide-RuII(Porphyrin) Complexes" J. Am. Chem. Soc. ASAP Article; DOI: 10.1021/ja075532v
Jiangyun Wang, Zaida A. Luthey-Schulten, and Kenneth S. Suslick, "Is the olfactory receptor a metalloprotein?" PNAS 2003, 100, 3035.
For more information, please visit:
http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/wangyou.htm or http://www.ibp.ac.cn/c/msg/notice/2007/09/05/index.html