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王海彬  博士 副研究员  




电       话:010-64888387



简       历:

  2004.09 - 2008.06  中国农业大学生命科学,理学学士

  2008.09 - 2013.06  中国农业大学&北京生命科学研究所(NIBS),联合培养理学博士

  2013.07 - 2015.05  北京生命科学研究所(NIBS),博士后

  2015.06 - 2019.09  德国莱布尼茨分子药物研究所(FMP),博士后

  2019.10 - 至今       中科院生物物理研究所,副研究员


  2013  第三届中国线虫大会(安徽合肥)最佳科研报告奖

  2013  孟山都奖学金(Monsanto scholarship)优秀学生奖

  2012  北京生命科学研究所优秀研究生奖学金

  2011  中国农业大学优秀研究生奖






1. Zhang Y#, Tu H#, Hao Y, Li D, Yang Y, Yuan Y, Guo Z, Li L, Wang H*, Cai H*. (2022) Oligopeptide transporter Slc15A modulates macropinocytosis in Dictyostelium by maintaining intracellular nutrient status. Journal of Cell Science. 135(7):jcs259450. (*corresponding) Highlighted in JCS.

2. Wang H, Loerke D, Bruns C, Müller R, Koch PA, Puchkov D, Schultz C, Haucke V. Phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate synthesis and turnover are spatially segregated in the endocytic pathway. J Biol Chem., 2020, 295(4):1091-1104.

3. Wang H#; Lo, Wen-Ting#; Haucke, Volker; Phosphoinositide switches in endocytosis and in the endolysosomal system., Curr Opin Cell Bio., 2019, 59: 50-57.

4. Hu J, Cheng S, Wang H, Li X, Liu S, Wu M, Liu Y, Wang X. Distinct roles of two myosins in C.elegans spermatid differentiation. PloS Biol., 2019, Apr 16;17(4).

5. Wang H#, Lo WT#, Zagar A, Gulluni F, Lehmann M, Scapozza L, Haucke V and Vadas O. Autoregulation of class II alpha PI3K activity by its lipid-binding PX-C2 domain module. Mol Cell., 2018, 71(2):343-351.

6. Su Y, Li L, Wang H, Wang X and Zhang Z. All-In-One Azides: Empowered Click Reaction for in vivo Labeling and Imaging of Biomolecules. Chem Commun., 2016, 52(10):2185-8.

7. Cheng S, Wang K, Zou W, Miao R, Huang Y, Wang H, Wang X. PtdIns(4,5) P2 and PtdIns3P coordinate to regulate phagosomal sealing for apoptotic cell clearance. J Cell Biol., 2015,210(3):485-502.

8. Wang H#, Lu Q*, Cheng S, Wang X, Zhang H. Autophagy activity contributes to programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans. Autophagy., 2013, (12):1975-82.

9. Zhang Y, Wang H and Wang X. Quantification of Cell Corpses, Cell Death Occurrence, Cell Corpse Duration. Bio-protocol., 2013, Vol 3, Iss 9.

10. Huang J#, Wang H#, Chen Y, Wang X, Zhang H. Residual body removal during spermatogenesis in C. elegans requires genes that mediate cell corpse clearance. Development., 2012, 139(24): 4613-22.

11. Zhang Y, Wang H, Kage-Nakadai E, Mitani S, Wang X. C. elegans secreted lipid-binding protein NRF-5 mediates PS appearance on phagocytes for cell corpseengulfment. Curr Biol., 2012 22(14):1276-84.

(资料来源:王海彬副研究员, 2023-04-27)