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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Different roles of response covariability and its attentional modulation in the sensory cortex and posterior parietal cortex JIANG Y PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2023
CRL2APPBP2-mediated TSPYL2 degradation counteracts human mesenchymal stem cell senescence HUANG DY SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2023
Integrator integrates transcription surveillance and genomic integrity ZHANG TT SCIENCE BULLETIN 2023
Tackling Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma with ITFn-Pt(IV): A Novel Fusion of PD-L1 Blockade, Chemotherapy, and T-cell Activation XIN Q ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS 2023
CLMP is a tumor suppressor that determines all-trans retinoic acid response in colorectal cancer WU ZZ DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2023
CAMSAP1 role in orchestrating structure and dynamics of manchette microtubule minus-ends impacts male fertility during spermiogenesis HU WC PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2023
V-ATPase recruitment to ER exit sites switches COPII-mediated transport to lysosomal degradation SUN YW DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2023
Metal-Organic Framework Based Nanozyme System for NLRP3 Inflammasome-Mediated Neuroinflammatory Regulation in Parkinson's Disease LI Q ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS 2023
Polystyrene-Based Matrix to Enhance the Fluorescence of Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogen for Fluorescence-Guided Surgery SHI QK SMALL 2023
Bioinspired metal-organic framework nanozyme reinforced with thermosensitive hydrogel for regulating inflammatory responses in Parkinson's disease FAN XW NANO RESEARCH 2023
Chiral metal-organic frameworks incorporating nanozymes as neuroinflammation inhibitors for managing Parkinson's disease JIANG W NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Structural and dynamic mechanisms for coupled folding and tRNA recognition of a translational T-box riboswitch NIU XL NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Interferon stimulated immune profile changes in a humanized mouse model of HBV infection WANG YP NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Histidine modulates amyloid-like assembly of peptide nanomaterials and confers enzyme-like activity YUAN Y NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Attractant and repellent induce opposing changes in the four-helix bundle ligand-binding domain of a bacterial chemoreceptor GUO L PLOS BIOLOGY 2023
EspB and HtpG interact with the type III-A CRISPR/Cas system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis SHI MM FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES 2023
ASPSCR-1 and Sirt-5 alleviate Clonorchis liver fluke rCsNOSIP-induced oxidative stress, proliferation, and migration in cholangiocarcinoma cells BIAN M PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES 2023
AutoEMage: automatic data transfer, preprocessing, real-time display and monitoring in cryo-EM CHENG YH JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2023
Structure-based discovery of dual pathway inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 entry WANG HF NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Effect of expansive optic flow and lateral motion parallax on depth estimation with normal and artificially reduced acuity LIU SY JOURNAL OF VISION 2023