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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
A strategy combining denoising and cryo-EM single particle analysis ZHANG H BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS 2023
Enhancing catalase-like activity of Prussian blue nanozyme by gadolinium-doping for imaging-guided antitumor amplification via photodynamic therapy and chemotherapy WANG H MATERIALS TODAY NANO 2023
Recombinant humanized collagen remodels endometrial immune microenvironment of chronic endometritis through macrophage immunomodulation YOU S REGENERATIVE BIOMATERIALS 2023
Single-nucleus transcriptomics reveals a gatekeeper role for FOXP1 in primate cardiac aging ZHANG YY PROTEIN & CELL 2023
Bioinspired figure-ground discrimination via visual motion smoothing WU ZH PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 2023
Bidirectionally Regulating Viral and Cellular Ferroptosis with Metastable Iron Sulfide Against Influenza Virus MIAO XY ADVANCED SCIENCE 2023
An In Situ Study on Nanozyme Performance to Optimize Nanozyme-Strip for A beta Detection LUO YY SENSORS 2023
Mitochondrial translational defect extends lifespan in C. elegans by activating UPRmt GUO MM REDOX BIOLOGY 2023
Excitatory-inhibitory modulation of transcranial focus ultrasound stimulation on human motor cortex ZHANG TT CNS NEUROSCIENCE & THERAPEUTICS 2023
Reducing oxidative protein folding alleviates senescence by minimizing ER-to-nucleus H2O2 release CHENG F EMBO REPORTS 2023
Hematopoietic Stem Cell: Regulation and Nutritional Intervention SUN SY NUTRIENTS 2023
Comprehensive Proteomics Analysis Identifies CD38-Mediated NAD(+) Decline Orchestrating Renal Fibrosis in Pediatric Patients With Obstructive Nephropathy TAO YD MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS 2023
Oligomeric scaffolding for curvature generation by ER tubule-forming proteins XIANG Y NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Catch bond models may explain how force amplifies TCR signaling and antigen discrimination CHOI HK NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Structure of Semliki Forest virus in complex with its receptor VLDLR CAO DF CELL 2023
Taste coding of heavy metal ion-induced avoidance in Drosophila LI XA ISCIENCE 2023
LBP1C-2 from Lycium barbarum maintains skeletal muscle satellite cell pool by interaction with FGFR1 MENG J ISCIENCE 2023
Different macaque brain network remodeling after spinal cord injury and NT3 treatment FENG T ISCIENCE 2023
New frontier of cryo-electron microscopy technology SUN F JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2023
Individual-specific functional connectivity improves prediction of Alzheimer's disease's symptoms in elderly people regardless of APOE epsilon 4 genotype HUA L COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 2023