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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
NR5A2 connects zygotic genome activation to the first lineage segregation in totipotent embryos LAI FN CELL RESEARCH 2023
CRISPR-Cas9-based functional interrogation of unconventional translatome reveals human cancer dependency on cryptic non-canonical open reading frames ZHENG CS NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2023
Structural insights into histone binding and nucleosome assembly by chromatin assembly factor-1 LIU CP SCIENCE 2023
Layer-dependent amblyopic deficits in feedforward and lateral processing in human early visual cortex WEN W INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE 2023
Rapid characterization of anti-CRISPR proteins and optogenetically engineered variants using a versatile plasmid interference system SONG GX NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2023
Hierarchical fluctuation shapes a dynamic flow linked to states of consciousness LI A NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Cholesterol, Eukaryotic Lipid Domains, and an Evolutionary Perspective of Transmembrane Signaling SHI Y COLD SPRING HARBOR PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY 2023
Structure and activation mechanism of the rice Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) Na+/H+ antiporter ZHANG XY NATURE PLANTS 2023
Structural insight into H4K20 methylation on H2A.Z-nucleosome by SUV420H1 HUANG L MOLECULAR CELL 2023
Na+ Binding and Transport: Insights from Light-Driven Na+-Pumping Rhodopsin YANG QF MOLECULES 2023
A single amino acid substitution in the capsid protein of Zika virus contributes to a neurovirulent phenotype SONG GY NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2023
Protein-Nanocaged Selenium Induces t(8;21) Leukemia Cell Differentiation via Epigenetic Regulation FANG L ADVANCED SCIENCE 2023
Engineering a Cl--Modulated Light-Driven Na+ Pump XIAO L CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2023
The nuclear cytokine IL-37a controls lethal cytokine storms primarily via IL-1R8-independent transcriptional upregulation of PPAR纬 WEI RF CELLULAR & MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY 2023
Stable IL-2 Nano-Assembly for Improved Anti-Tumor Effect LIU YD ADVANCED THERAPEUTICS 2023
Phase separation in cGAS-STING signaling LI QJ FRONTIERS OF MEDICINE 2023
Neural representation of gestalt grouping and attention effect in human visual cortex WU H JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS 2023
The reduction of FIB damage on cryo-lamella by lowering energy of ion beam revealed by a quantitative analysis YANG Q STRUCTURE 2023
Energy landscape quantifications of histone H3.3 recognition by chaperone DAXX reveal an uncoupled binding specificity and affinity LIU F PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2023
Structural insights into trehalose capture and translocation by mycobacterial LpqY-SugABC LIANG JX STRUCTURE 2023