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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Interferometrical single-molecule localization based on dynamic PSF engineering WANG L OPTICS LETTERS 2022
Exercise Alleviates ER Reductive Stress and Promotes Healthy Aging WANG YY PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2022
The PripA-TbcrA complex-centered Rab GAP cascade facilitates macropinosome maturation in Dictyostelium TU H NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2022
Gut microbiota drives macrophage-dependent self-renewal of intestinal stem cells via niche enteric serotonergic neurons ZHU PP CELL RESEARCH 2022

Application of organometallic chemistry in the formulation of a modern therapeutic drug by Ag nanoparticles green-mediated by Allium to treat the breast cancer

Multi-Omics Investigations Revealed Underlying Molecular Mechanisms Associated With Tumor Stiffness and Identified Sunitinib as a Potential Therapy for Reducing Stiffness in Pituitary Adenomas WANG ZH FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2022
In situ graphene-modified carbon microelectrode array biosensor for biofilm impedance analysis SONG J ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 2022
BMAL1 moonlighting as a gatekeeper for LINE1 repression and cellular senescence in primates LIANG CQ NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2022
CD84 is a Suppressor of T and B Cell Activation during Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pathogenesis ZHENG N MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM 2022
Highly enriched BEND3 prevents the premature activation of bivalent genes during differentiation ZHANG J SCIENCE 2022
Structural basis of nucleosomal H4K20 methylation by methyltransferase SET8 SHI LX FASEB JOURNAL 2022
Proteotoxic stress disrupts epithelial integrity by inducing MTOR sequestration and autophagy overactivation CHENG XX AUTOPHAGY 2022
Find My Way to You: A Comparative Study of Antennal Sensilla and Olfactory Genes in Slug Moth With Different Diet Ranges (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) LI J FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2022
Intestinal Tuft-2 cells exert antimicrobial immunity via sensing bacterial metabolite N-undecanoylglycine XIONG Z IMMUNITY 2022
Dynamic O-GlcNAcylation coordinates ferritinophagy and mitophagy to activate ferroptosis YU F CELL DISCOVERY 2022
Insights into the insertion reaction mechanism of phosphenium cation and oxirane: a theoretical study TAN XJ JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES 2022
The extracellular Ero1 alpha/PDI electron transport system regulates platelet function by increasing glutathione reduction potential WANG L REDOX BIOLOGY 2022
Early visual exposure primes future cross-modal specialization of the fusiform face area in tactile face processing in the blind DAI R NEUROIMAGE 2022
Metal ions/nucleotide coordinated nanoparticles comprehensively suppress tumor by synergizing ferroptosis with energy metabolism interference WANG YQ JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY 2022
Identification and classification of promoters using the attention mechanism based on long short-term memory LI QW FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 2022