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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Tc-99m-HPArk2 SPECT/CT in the evaluation of HER2-positive breast cancer: a pilot prospective study WANG RX JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 2020
Tc-99m-labeled Mutant Interleukin-2 as a Promising SPECT Probe for in vivo Imaging of Tumor-Infiltrating T Cells GAO Y JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 2020
Switch from Polymorphic to Homogenous Self-Assembly of Virus-Like Particles of Simian Virus 40 through Double-Cysteine Substitution XU CC SMALL 2020
Deciphering primate retinal aging at single-cell resolution WANG S PROTEIN & CELL 2020
Amorphous nickel titanium alloy film: A new choice for cryo electron microscopy sample preparation HUANG XJ PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2020
Cryo-electron microscopy structure of humanABCB6transporter WANG CY PROTEIN SCIENCE 2020
Live-SIMBA: an ImageJ plug-in for the universal and accelerated single molecule-guided Bayesian localization super resolution microscopy (SIMBA) method LI HJ BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 2020
Structural basis for nucleosome-mediated inhibition of cGAS activity CAO DF CELL RESEARCH 2020
Hybrid cellular membrane nanovesicles amplify macrophage immune responses against cancer recurrence and metastasis RAO L NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2020
Endogenous Indole Pyruvate Pathway for Tryptophan Metabolism Mediated by IL4I1 ZHANG X JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2020
'When' and 'what' did you see? A novel fMRI-based visual decoding framework WANG C JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING 2020
Complete genome of a unicellular parasite (Antonospora locustae) and transcriptional interactions with its host locust CHEN LX MICROBIAL GENOMICS 2020
Test-retest reliability and reproducibility of long-label pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling LIN TY MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING 2020
Archaeal Chromatin Proteins Cren7 and Sul7d Compact DNA by Bending and Bridging ZHANG ZF MBIO 2020
Cinnamaldehyde induces endogenous apoptosis of the prostate cancer-associated fibroblasts via interfering the Glutathione-associated mitochondria function HAN L MEDICAL ONCOLOGY 2020
Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Adjuvant Treatment of a Critically III COVID-19 Patient: A Case Report ZHU Y INFECTION AND DRUG RESISTANCE 2020
GapR binds DNA through dynamic opening of its tetrameric interface HUANG Q NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2020
Application of Horseradish Peroxidase Labeling Along With Post-Staining Improves Data Quality in Micro-Brain Connectomics WANG SX PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2020
Structural and functional diversity calls for a new classification of ABC transporters THOMAS C FEBS LETTERS 2020
Structural basis of trehalose recycling by the ABC transporter LpqY-SugABC LIU FJ SCIENCE ADVANCES 2020