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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
A methylation-phosphorylation switch determines Plk1 kinase activity and function in DNA damage repair LI WZ SCIENCE ADVANCES 2019
Maintenance of Nucleolar Homeostasis by CBX4 Alleviates Senescence and Osteoarthritis REN XQ CELL REPORTS 2019
RBFox2-miR-34a-Jph2 axis contributes to cardiac decompensation during heart failure HU J PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2019
Genetically Encoded FapR-NLuc as a Biosensor to Determine Malonyl-CoA in Situ at Subcellular Scales DU YP BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY 2019
Induced pluripotent stem cell-based modeling of mutant LRRK2-associated Parkinson's disease WEYKOPF B EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2019
SENP6-mediated M18BP1 deSUMOylation regulates CENP-A centromeric localization FU H CELL RESEARCH 2019
Immunometabolism regulates TCR recycling and iNKT cell functions FU SC SCIENCE SIGNALING 2019
LincK contributes to breast tumorigenesis by promoting proliferation and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition LI J JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY 2019
Aging affects correlation within the V1 neuronal population in rhesus monkeys WANG X NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING 2019
Circular RNA cTFRC acts as the sponge of MicroRNA-107 to promote bladder carcinoma progression SU HW MOLECULAR CANCER 2019
Homocysteine causes vascular endothelial dysfunction by disrupting endoplasmic reticulum redox homeostasis WU X REDOX BIOLOGY 2019
AuTom-dualx: a toolkit for fully automatic fiducial marker-based alignment of dual-axis tilt series with simultaneous reconstruction HAN RM BIOINFORMATICS 2019
The 1-beta-methyl group confers a lower affinity of L,D-transpeptidase Ldt(Mt2) for ertapenem than for imipenem ZHAO F BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2019
Unexpected mode of engagement between enterovirus 71 and its receptor SCARB2 ZHOU DM NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 2019
TMT-Based Quantitative Proteomics Analysis Reveals Airborne PM2.5-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis LIU S INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2019
Long noncoding RNA SMRG regulates Drosophila macrochaetes by antagonizing scute through E(spl)m XU MB RNA BIOLOGY 2019
PP2AC alpha deficiency impairs early cortical development through inducing DNA damage in neuroprojenitor cells LIU B INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY 2019
Expansion of Redox Chemistry in Designer Metalloenzymes YU Y ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH 2019
Adeno-associated virus 2 bound to its cellular receptor AAVR ZHANG R NATURE MICROBIOLOGY 2019
Crystal structure of the LUFS domain of human single-stranded DNA binding Protein 2 (SSBP2) WANG HY PROTEIN SCIENCE 2019