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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Crystal structure of a membrane-bound O-acyltransferase MA D NATURE 2018
Disrupted neural variability during propofol-induced sedation and unconsciousness HUANG ZR HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2018
The fronto-insular cortex causally mediates the default-mode and central-executive networks to contribute to individual cognitive performance in healthy elderly LI R HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2018
LEM4 confers tamoxifen resistance to breast cancer cells by activating cyclin D-CDK4/6-Rb and ER alpha pathway GAO A NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2018
GSNOR modulates hyperhomocysteinemia-induced T cell activation and atherosclerosis by switching Akt S-nitrosylation to phosphorylation LI J REDOX BIOLOGY 2018
Mechanisms of acetaminophen-induced liver injury and its implications for therapeutic interventions YAN MZ REDOX BIOLOGY 2018
FUS interacts with ATP synthase beta subunit and induces mitochondrial unfolded protein response in cellular and animal models DENG JW PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2018
A Novel Dichoptic Optokinetic Nystagmus Paradigm to Quantify Interocular Suppression in Monocular Amblyopia WEN W INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE 2018
Endoscopic molecular imaging of early gastric cancer using fluorescently labeled human H-ferritin nanoparticle DU Y NANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2018
Hoxc-Dependent Mesenchymal Niche Heterogeneity Drives Regional Hair Follicle Regeneration YU Z CELL STEM CELL 2018
Structures of the Human PGD(2) Receptor CRTH2 Reveal Novel Mechanisms for Ligand Recognition WANG L MOLECULAR CELL 2018
The RNA-binding protein ROD1/PTBP3 cotranscriptionally defines AID-loading sites to mediate antibody class switch in mammalian genomes CHEN J CELL RESEARCH 2018
Hedgehog-Like Gold-Coated Magnetic Microspheres that Strongly Inhibit Tumor Growth through Magnetomechanical Force and Photothermal Effects CHEN Y SMALL 2018
A novel class of microRNA-recognition elements that function only within open reading frames ZHANG K NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2018
Structural properties of the peroxiredoxin AhpC2 from the hyperthermophilic eubacterium Aquifex aeolicus LIU WX BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS 2018
Targeting IFN alpha to tumor by anti-PD-L1 creates feedforward antitumor responses to overcome checkpoint blockade resistance LIANG Y NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2018
CD2-Associated Protein Contributes to Hepatitis C, Virus Propagation and Steatosis by Disrupting Insulin Signaling ZHANG HX HEPATOLOGY 2018
New observations in neuroscience using superresolution microscopy IGARASHI M JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2018
Asymmetrical Commissural Control of the Subdominant Hemisphere in Pigeons XIAO Q CELL REPORTS 2018
Macrophage-derived IL-1 alpha promotes sterile inflammation in a mouse model of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity ZHANG C CELLULAR & MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY 2018