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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Transcriptional profiling analysis and functional prediction of long noncoding RNAs in cancer YUAN J ONCOTARGET 2016
Selective Reduction of fMRI Responses to Transient Achromatic Stimuli in the Magnocellular Layers of the LGN and the Superficial Layer of the SC Of Early Glaucoma Patients ZHANG P HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING 2016
Resting-state functional connectivity between the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and thalamus is associated with risky decision-making in nicotine addicts WEI ZD SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Tc-99m-Cyclopentadienyl Tricarbonyl Chelate-Labeled Compounds as Selective Sigma-2 Receptor Ligands for Tumor Imaging LI D JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2016
Low stability of the reduced state of Mycobacterium tuberculosis NrdH redoxin LIU YJ FEBS LETTERS 2016
Triptolide induces protective autophagy through activation of the CaMKK beta-AMPK signaling pathway in prostate cancer cells ZHAO F ONCOTARGET 2016
An epigenetic biomarker combination of PCDH17 and POU4F2 detects bladder cancer accurately by methylation analyses of urine sediment DNA in Han Chinese WANG YQ ONCOTARGET 2016
Novel variants in MLL confer to bladder cancer recurrence identified by whole-exome sequencing WU S ONCOTARGET 2016
Infiltrating mast cells increase prostate cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy resistances via modulation of p38/p53/p21 and ATM signals XIE HJ ONCOTARGET 2016
Correcting the Relative Bias of Light Obscuration and Flow Imaging Particle Counters RIPPLE DC PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH 2016
Homeostatic Control of Innate Lung Inflammation by Vici Syndrome Gene Epg5 and Additional Autophagy Genes Promotes Influenza Pathogenesis LU Q CELL HOST & MICROBE 2016
Yersinia spp. Identification Using Copy Diversity in the Chromosomal 16S rRNA Gene Sequence HAO HJ PLOS ONE 2016
Inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis by photoimmunotherapy targeting tumor-associated macrophage in a sorafenib-resistant tumor model ZHANG CR BIOMATERIALS 2016
The Impact of Free Fatty Acids on MDSC Function and Phenotype WU H ONCOLOGY RESEARCH AND TREATMENT 2016
A new partnership for an impactful future ZHONG WM SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2016
NONCODE 2016: an informative and valuable data source of long non-coding RNAs ZHAO Y NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2016
Screening and identification of post-traumatic stress-related serum factors in children with Wilms' tumors ZHANG JJ ONCOLOGY LETTERS 2016
Identification of Liver Epithelial Cell-derived Ig Expression in mu chain-deficient mice SHAO WW SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
FoxO1-mediated autophagy is required for NK cell development and innate immunity WANG S NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2016
The Neuroanatomical Basis for Posterior Superior Parietal Lobule Control Lateralization of Visuospatial Attention WU Y FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY 2016