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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Preferential Protection of Genetic Fidelity within Open Chromatin by the Mismatch Repair Machinery SUN L JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2016
Highly photostable, reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent protein with high contrast ratio for live-cell superresolution microscopy ZHANG X PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2016
Multidimensional assessment of empathic abilities in patients with insular glioma CHEN P COGNITIVE AFFECTIVE & BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Structure-oriented substrate specificity engineering of aldehyde-deformylating oxygenase towards aldehydes carbon chain length BAO LY BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS 2016
Mitrocomin from the jellyfish Mitrocoma cellularia with deleted C-terminal tyrosine reveals a higher bioluminescence activity compared to wild type photoprotein BURAKOVA LP JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY 2016
Unitization improves source memory in older adults: An event-related potential study ZHENG ZW NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 2016
Integrative structural analysis of the UTPB complex, an early assembly factor for eukaryotic small ribosomal subunits ZHANG C NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2016
Autophagy protects cardiomyocytes from the myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury through the clearance of CLP36 LI SG OPEN BIOLOGY 2016
Evaluation of Different N-Glycopeptide Enrichment Methods for N-Glycosylation Sites Mapping in Mouse Brain ZHANG CQ JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 2016
Elimination of the geomagnetic field stimulates the proliferation of mouse neural progenitor and stem cells FU JP PROTEIN & CELL 2016
DWARF14 is a non-canonical hormone receptor for strigolactone YAO RF NATURE 2016
M2BP inhibits HIV-1 virion production in a vimentin filaments-dependent manner WANG Q SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Combined Cognitive Training vs. Memory Strategy Training in Healthy Older Adults LI B FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2016
The Vici Syndrome Protein EPG5 Is a Rab7 Effector that Determines the Fusion Specificity of Autophagosomes with Late Endosomes/Lysosomes WANG Z MOLECULAR CELL 2016
Dissecting the precise role of H3K9 methylation in crosstalk with DNA maintenance methylation in mammals ZHAO Q NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 2016
Differential long non-coding RNA and mRNA expression in differentiated human glioblastoma stem cells LI H MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 2016
Specific down-regulation of spermatogenesis genes targeted by 22G RNAs in hybrid sterile males associated with an X-Chromosome introgression LI RS GENOME RESEARCH 2016
Opposite Effects of Coinjection and Distant Injection of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Breast Tumor Cell Growth ZHENG HL STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2016
Structural insights into Ca2+-activated long-range allosteric channel gating of RyR1 WEI RS CELL RESEARCH 2016
Adaptive ship detection in SAR images using variance WIE-based method WANG XL SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING 2016