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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of Rv3899c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis SONG YJ ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS 2015
Profiling and Relative Quantitation of Phosphoinositides by Multiple Precursor Ion Scanning Based on Phosphate Methylation and Isotopic Labeling CAI TX ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 2015
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 2 (TNFR2)center dot Interleukin-17 Receptor D (IL-17RD) Heteromerization Reveals a Novel Mechanism for NF-kappa B Activation YANG SG JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2015
Dynamic Phosphorylation of CENP-A at Ser68 Orchestrates Its Cell-Cycle-Dependent Deposition at Centromeres YU ZL DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 2015
Drift correction for single-molecule imaging by molecular constraint field, a distance minimum metric HAN RM BMC BIOPHYSICS 2015
A Vaccinia Virus Armed with Interleukin-10 Is a Promising Therapeutic Agent for Treatment of Murine Pancreatic Cancer CHARD LS CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 2015
Rhesus monkey brain development during late infancy and the effect of phencyclidine: A longitudinal MRI and DTI study LIU CR NEUROIMAGE 2015
Spatiotemporal Detection and Analysis of Exocytosis Reveal Fusion 'Hotspots'' Organized by the Cytoskeleton in Endocrine Cells YUAN TY BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2015
Structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of aldehyde-deformylating oxygenases JIA CJ PROTEIN & CELL 2015
Proton transfer-mediated GPCR activation ZHANG X PROTEIN & CELL 2015
Serial in Vivo Imaging Using a Fluorescence Probe Allows Identification of Tumor Early Response to Cetuximab Immunotherapy MA T MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS 2015
Interaction of NS2 with AIMP2 Facilitates the Switch from Ubiquitination to SUMOylation of M1 in Influenza A Virus-Infected Cells GAO SJ JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY 2015
Structural implications of Dpy30 oligomerization for MLL/SET1 COMPASS H3K4 trimethylation ZHANG HM PROTEIN & CELL 2015
Comparison of human and Drosophila atlastin GTPases WU FY PROTEIN & CELL 2015
Characterization of a novel mouse model with genetic deletion of CD177 XIE Q PROTEIN & CELL 2015
Crystal structures of GI.8 Boxer virus P dimers in complex with HBGAs, a novel evolutionary path selected by the Lewis epitope HAO N PROTEIN & CELL 2015
Hepatitis A virus exhibits a structure unique among picornaviruses ZHU L PROTEIN & CELL 2015
Improved adaptive reconstruction of multichannel MR images MA YJ MEDICAL PHYSICS 2015
An Interlaboratory Comparison of Sizing and Counting of Subvisible Particles Mimicking Protein Aggregates RIPPLE DC JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 2015
MIWI and piRNA-mediated cleavage of messenger RNAs in mouse testes ZHANG P CELL RESEARCH 2015