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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
RFP Tags for Labeling Secretory Pathway Proteins ZHANG MS BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2015
Synthetic Model of the Oxygen-Evolving Center: Photosystem II under the Spotlight YU Y CHEMBIOCHEM 2015
Three-dimensional super-resolution protein localization correlated with vitrified cellular context LIU B SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2015
Lu-177-Labeled Cerasomes Encapsulating Indocyanine Green for Cancer Theranostics JING LJ ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 2015
Quantitative proteomics using SILAC: Principles, applications, and developments CHEN XL PROTEOMICS 2015
Expression, purification and crystallization of the (3R)-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase HadAB complex from Mycobacterium tuberculosis DONG Y PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 2015
Protomer Roles in Chloroplast Chaperonin Assembly and Function BAI CC MOLECULAR PLANT 2015
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells promote HIV-1-induced group 3 innate lymphoid cell depletion ZHANG Z JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2015
A small molecule compound IMB-LA inhibits HIV-1 infection by preventing viral Vpu from antagonizing the host restriction factor BST-2 MI ZY SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2015
Cyanohydrin as an Anchoring Group for Potent and Selective Inhibitors of Enterovirus 71 3C Protease ZHAI YY JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 2015
Comparative Proteomics Reveals Abnormal Binding of ATGL and Dysferlin on Dysfunctional Cardiac Lipid Droplets ZHANG HN JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY 2015
Studies on Inhibition of Proliferation of Enterovirus-71 by Compound YZ-LY-0 YANG QZ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2015
Structure of Zeste-DNA Complex Reveals a New Modality of DNA Recognition by Homeodomain-Like Proteins GAO GN JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 2015
NMR structure and function of Helicoverpa armigera sterol carrier protein-2, an important insecticidal target from the cotton bollworm MA HH SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2015
Gavage of D-Ribose induces A beta-like deposits, Tau hyperphosphorylation as well as memory loss and anxiety-like behavior in mice WU BB ONCOTARGET 2015
The Metabolic Regulator Histone Deacetylase 9 Contributes to Glucose Homeostasis Abnormality Induced by Hepatitis C Virus Infection CHEN JZ DIABETES 2015
Detection of Dendritic Spines Using Wavelet-Based Conditional Symmetric Analysis and Regularized Morphological Shared-Weight Neural Networks WANG SH COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE 2015
The hepatitis C virus protein NS3 suppresses TNF-alpha-stimulated activation of NF-kappa B by targeting LUBAC CHEN YZ SCIENCE SIGNALING 2015
A S-Layer Protein of Bacillus anthracis as a Building Block for Functional Protein Arrays by In Vitro Self-Assembly WANG XY SMALL 2015
Myo9b is a key player in SLIT/ROBO-mediated lung tumor suppression KONG RR JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 2015