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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
New march towards the regeneration of sensation and cognition: hear more, see more and learn more ZHANG KJ JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY 2013
An Anti-PSMA Bivalent Immunotoxin Exhibits Specificity and Efficacy for Prostate Cancer Imaging and Therapy ZHANG FY ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS 2013
Reversibly acetylated lysine residues play important roles in the enzymatic activity of Escherichia coli N-hydroxyarylamine O-acetyltransferase ZHANG QF FEBS JOURNAL 2013
Crystal structure of L,D-transpeptidase Ldt(Mt2) in complex with meropenem reveals the mechanism of carbapenem against Mycobacterium tuberculosis LI WJ CELL RESEARCH 2013
hESC-derived pancreatic progenitors SUI LN CELL RESEARCH 2013
Fibroblast-Specific Protein 1/S100A4-Positive Cells Prevent Carcinoma through Collagen Production and Encapsulation of Carcinogens ZHANG JH CANCER RESEARCH 2013
TNFR-1 on tumor cells contributes to the sensitivity of fibrosarcoma to chemotherapy DENG JJ PROTEIN & CELL 2013
C13C4.5/Spinster, an evolutionarily conserved protein that regulates fertility in C-elegans through a lysosome-mediated lipid metabolism process HAN M PROTEIN & CELL 2013
Pseudovirus-based neuraminidase inhibition assays reveal potential H5N1 drug-resistant mutations LU Y PROTEIN & CELL 2013
The pyrimidine analog FNC inhibits cell proliferation and viral protein synthesis in HTLV-1-infected cells WANG JH MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS 2013
The p97-UBXD8 complex destabilizes mRNA by promoting release of ubiquitinated HuR from mRNP ZHOU HL GENES & DEVELOPMENT 2013
Aging-associated excess formaldehyde leads to spatial memory deficits TONG ZQ SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2013
The micronutrient element zinc modulates sperm activation through the SPE-8 pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans LIU ZY DEVELOPMENT 2013
Histone modification mapping in human brain reveals aberrant expression of histone H3 lysine 79 dimethylation in neural tube defects ZHANG Q NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE 2013
Accumulated hippocampal formaldehyde induces age-dependent memory decline TONG ZQ AGE 2013
Tetramethylpyrazine Attenuates Atherosclerosis Development and Protects Endothelial Cells from ox-LDL WANG GF CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS AND THERAPY 2013
Mycobacterium fluoroquinolone resistance protein B, a novel small GTPase, is involved in the regulation of DNA gyrase and drug resistance TAO J NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2013
Significant Expansion of the Fluorescent Protein Chromophore through the Genetic Incorporation of a Metal-Chelating Unnatural Amino Acid LIU XH ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2013
Measuring Rates of Intraflagellar Transport Along Caenorhabditis elegans Sensory Cilia Using Fluorescence Microscopy BRUST-MASCHER I CILIA, PT A 2013
Actin depolymerization under force is governed by lysine 113:glutamic acid 195-mediated catch-slip bonds LEE CY PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2013