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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Detecting resting-state brain activity by spontaneous cerebral blood volume fluctuations using whole brain vascular space occupancy imaging MIAO XY NEUROIMAGE 2014
beta-Lactonization of fluorinated porphyrin enhances LDL binding affinity, cellular uptake with selective intracellular localization TANG J CHEMICAL SCIENCE 2014
A large-scale screen for coding variants predisposing to psoriasis TANG HY NATURE GENETICS 2014
Bruton's tyrosine kinase: potential target in human multiple myeloma LIU Y LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA 2014
De novo prediction of RNA-protein interactions from sequence information WANG Y MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS 2013
Mitochondrial Ferritin Attenuates beta-Amyloid-Induced Neurotoxicity: Reduction in Oxidative Damage Through the Erk/P38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways WU WS ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING 2013
A Novel Anti-sTn Monoclonal Antibody 3P9 Inhibits Human Xenografted Colorectal Carcinomas AN YH JOURNAL OF IMMUNOTHERAPY 2013
Isolating lipid droplets from multiple species DING YF NATURE PROTOCOLS 2013
Cetuximab-mediated Tumor Regression Depends on Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses YANG XM MOLECULAR THERAPY 2013
The dawn of angiogenesis modeling: regenerating vasculature from human pluripotent stem cells YI F CELL RESEARCH 2013
High-resolution structures of AidH complexes provide insights into a novel catalytic mechanism for N-acyl homoserine lactonase GAO A ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2013
Structures of aminophenol dioxygenase in complex with intermediate, product and inhibitor LI DF ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2013
The effect of graphene oxide on conformation change, aggregation and cytotoxicity of HIV-1 regulatory protein (Vpr) ZHANG M BIOMATERIALS 2013
Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Deg8 SHAN XY ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND CRYSTALLIZATION COMMUNICATIONS 2013
Edge-tailored graphene oxide nanosheet-based field effect transistors for fast and reversible electronic detection of sulfur dioxide SHEN FP NANOSCALE 2013
Structural insight into enhanced calcium indicator GCaMP3 and GCaMPJ to promote further improvement CHEN YX PROTEIN & CELL 2013
Plasma membrane calcium ATPase 4b inhibits nitric oxide generation through calcium-induced dynamic interaction with neuronal nitric oxide synthase DUAN WJ PROTEIN & CELL 2013
The newly emerged SARS-Like coronavirus HCoV-EMC also has an 'Achilles' heel': current effective inhibitor targeting a 3C-like protease REN ZL PROTEIN & CELL 2013
PtdIns(4)P regulates retromer-motor interaction to facilitate dynein-cargo dissociation at the trans-Golgi network NIU Y NATURE CELL BIOLOGY 2013
Design of stapled alpha-helical peptides to specifically activate Wnt/beta-catenin signaling CUI HK CELL RESEARCH 2013