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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Lysosomal chymotrypsin B potentiates apoptosis via cleavage of Bid ZHAO K CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 2010
AidH, an Alpha/Beta-Hydrolase Fold Family Member from an Ochrobactrum sp Strain, Is a Novel N-Acylhomoserine Lactonase MEI GY APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 2010
Crystal structure of the C-terminal region of human p97/DAP5 FAN SL PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS 2010
Auditory Cortex Tracks Both Auditory and Visual Stimulus Dynamics Using Low-Frequency Neuronal Phase Modulation LUO H PLOS BIOLOGY 2010
Distance measurements via the morphogen gradient of Bicoid in Drosophila embryos HE F BMC DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2010
Shaping a Morphogen Gradient for Positional Precision HE F BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2010
Novel Recombinant Engineered gp41 N-terminal Heptad Repeat Trimers and Their Potential as Anti-HIV-1 Therapeutics or Microbicides CHEN X JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2010
Drosophila CAF-1 regulates HP1-mediated epigenetic silencing and pericentric heterochromatin stability HUANG H JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE 2010
Accumulation of Foxp3(+) T Regulatory Cells in Draining Lymph Nodes Correlates with Disease Progression and Immune Suppression in Colorectal Cancer Patients DENG LF CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 2010
Increased Turnover of FoxP3(high) Regulatory T Cells Is Associated With Hyperactivation and Disease Progression of Chronic HIV-1 Infection XING SJ JAIDS-JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES 2010
The Therapeutic Effect of Anti-HER2/neu Antibody Depends on Both Innate and Adaptive Immunity PARK S CANCER CELL 2010
Seeing Mutations in Living Cells ELEZ M CURRENT BIOLOGY 2010
Comparison of stationary and oscillatory dynamics described by differential equations and Boolean maps in transcriptional regulatory circuits YE WM PHYSICS LETTERS A 2010
A Biosynthetic Route to Photoclick Chemistry on Proteins WANG JY JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 2010
Polarized Myosin Produces Unequal-Size Daughters During Asymmetric Cell Division OU GS SCIENCE 2010
Upregulation of Barrel GABAergic Neurons Is Associated with Cross-Modal Plasticity in Olfactory Deficit NI H PLOS ONE 2010
Influenza virus detection with pentabody-activated nanoparticles MU B JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS 2010
Electrostatic interaction in the NH(2)-terminus accelerates inactivation of the Kv1.4 channel FAN Z BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES 2010
Valosin-Containing Protein Cleavage by Granzyme K Accelerates an Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Leading to Caspase-Independent Cytotoxicity of Target Tumor Cells GUO YM JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 2010