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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Opening Up the Group II Chaperonins RAO ZH STRUCTURE 2010
The Membrane Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Acts as a Dominant Immunogen Revealed by a Clustering Region of Novel Functionally and Structurally Defined Cytotoxic T-Lymph... LIU J JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2010
Two Pairs of Neurons in the Central Brain Control Drosophila Innate Light Preference GONG ZF SCIENCE 2010
Tracer Coupling of Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells to Amacrine Cells in the Mouse Retina MULLER LPD JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 2010
NF-kappa B, a hot topic in biochemical and medical studies in China WEI Y SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2010
Two special topics on the avian influenza virus and on epigenetics, have drawn much attention HU YL SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2010
Formaldehyde stress HE RQ SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES 2010
Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of a calcineurin B-like protein 1 (CBL1) mutant from Ammopiptanthus mongolicus SHANG GJ ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND CRYSTALLIZATION COMMUNICATIONS 2010
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of a novel esterase Rv0045c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis XU LP ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND CRYSTALLIZATION COMMUNICATIONS 2010
Enrichment of Escherichia coli spheroplasts displaying scFv antibodies specific for antigens expressed on the human cell surface QIU JK APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2010
Cortical Dynamics Underlying Face Completion in Human Visual System CHEN JA JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 2010
Topological change disturbs object continuity in attentive tracking ZHOU K PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2010
CD137-Mediated Pathogenesis from Chronic Hepatitis to Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Hepatitis B Virus-Transgenic Mice WANG J JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY 2010
An auto-biotinylated bifunctional protein nanowire for ultra-sensitive molecular biosensing MEN D BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 2010
Crystal Structure of EHEC Intimin: Insights into the Complementarity between EPEC and EHEC YI Y PLOS ONE 2010
The sexual difference of aging-associated functional degradation in visual cortical cells of rats WANG H NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 2010
Lack of the cerebral peduncle involvement in a series of adult supratentorial AVM A diffusion tensor imaging study FU B NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 2010
Zinc Overload Enhances APP Cleavage and A beta Deposition in the Alzheimer Mouse Brain WANG CY PLOS ONE 2010
Proteomic analysis of aqueous humor from patients with primary open angle glaucoma DUAN XM MOLECULAR VISION 2010
Smoking Cessation Effect of Tea Component Theanine Through Inhibition of Nicotine Acetylcholine Receptor DI XJ FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 2010