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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
A new method for purification of recombinant human alpha-synuclein in Escherichia coli HUANG CJ PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 2005
Molecular basis of photoprotection and control of photosynthetic light-harvesting PASCAL AA NATURE 2005
Antibody responses to individual proteins of SARS coronavirus and their neutralization activities QIU MF MICROBES AND INFECTION 2005
Crossmodal interactions between olfactory and visual learning in Drosophila GUO FZ SCIENCE 2005
1.88 angstrom crystal structure of the C domain of hCyP33: A novel domain of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase WANG T BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2005
Crystal structure of mitochondrial respiratory membrane protein complex II SUN F CELL 2005
The host type I interferon response to viral and bacterial infections PERRY AK CELL RESEARCH 2005
Degradation of response modulation of visual cortical cells in cats with chronic exposure to morphine HE LH NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 2005
MRF-MBNN: A novel neural network architecture for image processing CAI N ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2005, PT 2, PROCEEDINGS 2005
G protein beta 3 subunit gene variants and essential hypertension in the northern Chinese Han population LI B ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS 2005
Visualizing the dynamic behavior of poliovirus plus-strand RNA in living host cells CUI ZQ NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 2005
Preliminary x-ray crystallographic analysis of centrin from ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus HE XJ PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS 2005
Expression in Escherichia coli, purification and characterization of Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis ribosome recycling factor GUO P JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 2005
alpha-latrotoxin modulates the secretory machinery via receptor-mediated activation of protein kinase C LIU J TRAFFIC 2005
Influence of membrane physical state on lysosomal potassium ion permeability WANG J CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2005
Role of the posterior parietal cortex in the initiation of saccades and vergence: Right/left functional asymmetry KAPOULA Z CLINICAL AND BASIC OCULOMOTOR RESEARCH: IN HONOR OF DAVID S. ZEE 2005
Effects of diazepam on the latency of saccades for luminance and binocular disparity defined stimuli WANG CG EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH 2005
Learning to recognize faces through noise: An fMRI study ZHOU K JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2005
Learning novel objects as English words activates a left fusiform region SONG YY JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2005
Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the recombinant antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita YANG N BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS 2005