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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Mechanical properties of breast cancer cell membrane studied with optical tweezers GUO HL CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 2004
Protein kinase activation increases insulin secretion by sensitizing the secretory machinery to Ca2+ WAN QF JOURNAL OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY 2004
Analysis of degeneracy special gene in human genome LIU Q PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2004
Twisting: A quantity describing the topological relation of two peptide fragments in protein structures ZENG ZH JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY 2004
Neuronal tau induces DNA conformational changes observed by atomic force microscopy QU MH NEUROREPORT 2004
The effects of amino acid replacements of glycine 20 on conformational stability and catalysis of staphylococcal nuclease FENG YM BIOCHIMIE 2004
Autosomal similarity revealed by eukaryotic genomic comparison QI Z JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 2004
Probing the structure of the SARS coronavirus using scanning electron microscopy LIN Y ANTIVIRAL THERAPY 2004
Spiking activity of neurons in the pigeon nucleus rotundus in slice preparations LI DP NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2004
Evolution and migration history of the Chinese population inferred from Chinese Y-chromosome evidence DENG W JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 2004