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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Long-term memory was impaired in one-trial passive avoidance task of day-old chicks hatching from hypomagnetic field space WANG XB CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 2003
Abundant and constant expression of uncoupling protein 2 in the liver of red sea bream Pagrus major LIANG XF COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY 2003
The space experiment of protein crystallization aboard the Chinese spacecraft SZ-3 CANG HX MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2003
cDNA cloning, expression, and mutagenesis of a PR-10 protein SPE-16 from the seeds of Pachyrrhizus erosus WU F BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 2003
The mutation in the N-terminal domain of RGS4 disrupts PA-conferred inhibitory effect on GAP activity OU-YANG YS BIOSCIENCE REPORTS 2003
Two conformations of archaeal Ssh10b - The origin of its temperature-dependent interaction with DNA CUI Q JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2003
Fast growth rates of Eucommia antifungal protein (EAFP) crystals observed by atomic force microscope WANG S PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2003
The direct observation on the surface structure change of purple membrane induced by high pH using atom force microscope CHEN DL PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2003
Dimerization by domain hybridization bestows chaperone and isomerase activities ZHAO Z JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 2003
Phospholipase C and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling are involved in the exogenous arachidonic acid-stimulated respiratory burst in human neutrophils LIU J JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY 2003
The effects of simulated microgravity on cultured chicken embryonic chondrocytes ZHANG X SPACE LIFE SCIENCES: GRAVITATIONAL BIOLOGY: 2002 2003
Interocular motion combination for dichoptic moving stimuli TIAN J SPATIAL VISION 2003
A simple parameter relating sequences with folding rates of small a helical proteins SHAO H PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS 2003
Cytochrome c is a hydrogen peroxide scavenger in mitochondria WANG ZB PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS 2003
Classification of protein homo-oligomers using support vector machine ZHANG SW PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2003
Another milestone of the life sciences research - The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003 CHEN LW PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2003
Revolution of MRI in medicine: The introduction of the 2003 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine WANG B PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS 2003